Each pay period is 2 weeks, and you are paid for those hours one week after the pay period ends
On the calendar, the pay day for each pay period (one week later) is highlighted in the same color as the pay period for which you are being paid
How to Log Hours
Go to https://conservationlegacyportal.force.com/ Use the login information that you set up when you received the "Welcome to the Conservation Legacy Community" email. Talk to program staff if you have not gotten this email. You will complete a timesheet for each WEEK (not each hitch), so be sure to get all the hours you need from your supervisor. Be sure to submit your timesheet after entering hours so that the timesheet can be approved. All hours need to be approved by your supervisor.
How to view your paystub
Paystubs will be posted to your iSolved account. [Please note that you do NOT enter hours in iSolved - you only view paystubs there] You will get an email during the first week of your term to set up this account. Once you set up your iSolved account, you can log in at any time to view your pay stubs or change your direct deposit information.